Monday, July 22, 2013

Air Travel and KKI (round III)

We made it to Baltimore!  After an 1.5 hour delay at SFO due to bad weather at Dulles, we were able to board the plane (this went really well--one of the better wheelchair boardings, actually). We told the attendants at the gate that Savannah was very excited about flying and planes (and talked about some of the fun dramatic play that has been happening in the Nutmeg room centered around travel), so after we got Jason on the plane, Savannah got to meet the pilots and sit in the cockpit! She was very quiet and shy--I think she was a little overwhelmed by this experience (that, or she really wanted to get in her seat and begin watching shows she doesn't get to watch at home....I'm looking at you, Dora).

Savannah was very well behaved during the flight. We tried a new method of keeping her seated during takeoff and landing (the trickiest parts of the flight for us now that she is too big to sit in our laps).  In the past we used M&Ms as an incentive to stay seated and buckled in--this worked, except then she was on a MASSIVE sugar high, because she was more or less eating chocolate for 20-30 minutes.  This time, we gave her a sucker.  Still sugar-y, but one small dum-dum style sucker kept her seated for like 45 minutes.  Win.  And not nearly as much sugar.  Double win.  During the flight, she ate a ton (salami slices, grapes, pretzels, crackers, cheese, popcorn, milk, honest-ade, etc, etc, etc), watched a couple shows/movies, and enjoyed playing with the new toys in her travel backpack. A good flight overall, though it seemed like we hit turbulence every time I stood up, searching for something in our carry-ons....

We got to Baltimore around 9pm...Savannah hadn't napped on the plane, so she slept while we were in the car and, of course, woke up fully refreshed when we got to the hotel.  We're still struggling with jet lag--she went to bed at midnight the first night, and 11pm last night.  Unfortunately, she's not sleeping that much later in the mornings (she got up around 7 this morning).  Hopefully, she gets adjusted to the time difference sooner rather than later.  Momma needs some sleep.

Jason begins his third round of therapy at KKI this afternoon.  We're excited to see what has changed in the last six months (his full medical evaluation won't happen until Wednesday), and what he can work on next.

Hope everyone had a great weekend (and that those of you in CA are enjoying lovely, non-humid's hot here).

Lots of love,

All dressed and ready to go!!!

At the airport, super excited.

Delayed.  Boo.

Lots of time spent watching planes take off and land

Getting bored.

Thankfully, the terminal had a small area for the little ones to play.

Pilot Savannah

New Takeoff strategy at work.

He is unable to stay awake on a plane....whereas I am unable to sleep on them...

New dolls!

Grandpa giving her a ride...he didn't realize that doing something like this is no quick exercise...she wants to go again and again and again....

Breakfast--one of the servers gave her a popsicle because she was so well behaved.

PS-I turned 30!!! And Jason, being the amazing husband that he is, flew in three of my best girlfriends for a weekend in Napa.  We had loads of fun....

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