Monday, July 8, 2013


A great big welcome to those of you who have migrated over from my original blog, Jason's Road to Recovery.  Now that we are two years out from his accident, I feel that it is time to move on a bit--Jason is still recovering, and SCI continues to be a big part of our daily lives, but there's a lot more going on with our family;  I hope this blog reflects that.  On this site, there'll be more Savannah (though, in the last few months, there was a lot of Savannah on the other blog, too!), more Sonja, and more discussion of what it is that I do (I know that you have all been clamoring to read about the process of writing a dissertation!).  With so many friends and family on the east coast, it is my hope this blog will keep people up to date on the happenings in the Leyba household.

Love you all,

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